Wednesday, June 24, 2009


This is the hardest part about blogging. The days when there's nothing exciting or constructive to say. Or the days when there are dozens of things in my head and I don't know where to start. I'll just start by saying I am not really sure what kind of day this is. So if you're easily bored you can just skip today's entry. It's okay, I won't get all butt hurt. I try as much as possible to read every word of my friend's blogs but if aimless rambling isn't your thing...don't worry I get it! =)

As I mentioned before I have decided to take some time off of school. I also won't be attending choir for the rest of the summer. After my last day subbing in Primary (which I LOVE, it's a blast!) for Connie I'll be without a calling 'til Seminary rolls back around this fall. I am slowly but surely moving my focus entirely to my family. It makes me a little nervous because it's not something I am used to doing. A really good friend of mine told me about some advice she had received about placing too much focus on other things instead of addressing the issues. I want to make sure that I am not doing that.

The thing most prominent on my mind right now is my mom having to put her chocolate Lab down today-my baby brother, Suede. He's always been sick-epilepsy, and has been suffering from a tumor in his lung. I am sad for my mom and her husband because their dogs are like their kids. Left behind is my little sister, Cassie-their 13 year old yellow Lab. I worry that she won't last long now that Suede is gone and that will leave my mom mostly alone. Her husband had to take a job far away and he has to be away from home a great deal. At the same time, as anyone with an animal knows, the responsibility for taking care of two large, aging dogs can also be quite a burden. I hope that with the sorrow, the easing of this major burden will be somewhat of a comfort to her.

I want to rant here about how important it is to make sure your parenting style and that of your spouse match or at least can co-exist in the same house-but I am just too exhausted and tired of the topic for today. I am really enjoying reading every one else's blogs. They are both funny and inspiring. I am in the best ward EVER! =) maybe I am a just a little biased...


Druciana said...

Well, that was interesting. can do this. I am surprised that you won't be doing the choir this summer. You have a great family. Putting your focus on them is a good thing. Owen will be all grown up before you know it (at least that is what I have been told about my little ones).

Tera said...

Thanks for coming by my blog! I look forward to more posts from you, and don't worry, I love rambling!

Mistaken said...

wow, I'm glad I found your blog. I love it. In Stake Conference, Elder Maynes showed a picture of an abandoned heirloom from the pioneers. He quoted someone (don't remember who) as saying that "The pioneers sacrificed their things for their children. We sacrifice our children for our things." How powerful and true is that. Your focus is right where it should be.