Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Morning scripture study

For the last month or so, we have started every morning by reading scriptures as a family. Usually only one chapter a day so that my little ones can participate as well. I am proud to say that today was no exception. Anyone who knows me well may understand that forming GOOD habits is not really my forte. In the 12 years that I have belonged to the church I have never actually finished the Book of Mormon on my own-just in class, and we ALL know that doesn't really count. We're currently in 2 Nephi and today we read about the need for opposition in all things and the gift of agency. It is powerful to read the following, especially at this time of year when we are celebrating our independence as a country:
"Wherefore, men are free according to the flesh; and all things are given them which are expedient unto man. And they are FREE to choose liberty and eternal life through the great Mediator of all men...."(2 Nephi 2:27, emphasis added)
Following the story of Lehi and his family from Nephi's perspective gives me a new appreciation and understanding of this land being given to us if we CHOOSE to live righteously. I strive every day to deserve the gift of liberty. I love my country (even if I sometimes fear my government).


Katie said...

I love those scriptures, too, especially the idea that we either choose eternal life or we choose the other path. In a world full of trying to take the blame away from ourselves, there is no question whose choice it is!

Druciana said...

I needed that scripture. It's like you were speaking to me.

I was born into the church. I finished the Book of Mormon without it being for a class for the first time at the end of last year. Just know you are not the only one who took a while to get going.

Mistaken said...

What a great habit you are establishing. There is a great article in July's Ensign about likening the scriptures to our lives. It sounds like you are well on your way