Take me out into the black...tell them I ain't comin' back...
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Don't want to jinx anything by talking about it too soon. But I am a bundle of nerves. Just a big,sick,twisted bundle of nerves. My life may change drastically over the next two hours. Better swim before I sink...
You're not pregnant are You????? Who knows, I'm just saying, that's always good news and it ALWAYS drastically changes everything. Whatever the news is though, I hope it's good and I can't wait to hear!
Everything will turn out okay, right? Good luck and can't wait to hear your news!
You're not pregnant are You????? Who knows, I'm just saying, that's always good news and it ALWAYS drastically changes everything. Whatever the news is though, I hope it's good and I can't wait to hear!
Hmmm... it's been more than two hours since you posted this. I'm wondering if life has drastically changed for you. Update!
anxiously waiting to hear...
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