Saturday, July 04, 2009

Saturday Night-A Rant

I HATE staying in on Saturday night. I am bored to death right now. Oh yes, there are a hundred chores that could be done-dozens of shelves that need straightened, drawers to be organized, PILES of laundry to be done. But I ask you, isn't that what the whole week is for? In my case, anyway? Since I took leave from school I have tons of extra time to spend with my family. I tell you, it's awesome! But right now...I could honestly pull my hair out. I really wanted to get my date night this week and the frustration comes from there being NO reason not to go...hmpf.

My husband hates crowds. 4th of July=crowds. It seems like we also only ever go to movies anymore. I love movies. I could go to a movie every day. Counting the free movie in Brighton on Weds. and the Ice Age matinee this morning I could almost pull it off! I don't think that he's up for that though...which means unless I can come up with something fabulous that's not too expensive and not too far away that is NOT a movie, I am stuck here. With my kids looking at me...and my husband getting more and more frustrated that we live in the boonies with nothing to do.

I don't typically get bored easily, I can usually find peace in whatever I am doing. Get into a good book, watch a great movie, etc. This cabin fever usually comes as a reaction to the behavior of my beloved companion who LIVES bored. Of course this is the same person, when overscheduled, complains there is never enough time to relax. Whether this is true or if it is an indication of something deeper (perhaps an inability to EVER be satisfied)remains a mystery. I also understand, that at this point in time, he is dealing with some pretty major issues related to work so I am trying not to complain. Okay, let's be honest I am trying not to complain OUT LOUD. =) It's not like the boredom is a new thing. I've been with the man 14 years, it's been pretty persistent...job or no. None of this solves the problem that it's only 7pm, everyone's clean, video game and computer time is tapped out, and I spent most of the day making sure everyone else was entertained. SOMEONE ENTERTAIN ME FOR PETE'S SAKE!

1 comment:

Tera said...

Oh man, I get cabin fever bad on the weekends. I want to go do SOMETHING. A date would be perfect, family time would be great, especially since there would be an extra set of hands to help with JP home and all. But, my husband who has been gone all week at work, wants to be home...doing homey things like washing cars and working in the yard. He usually wins. And I'm usually bored.